Marking, marking, marking…
Help! See that picture? That’s my life at the moment. It’s marking time at my university and I am swamped with student assignments. Sigh – and there will be another deluge of assignments to add to the pile next week. Oh, the fun of it…
I’m also working on Swinburne’s two writing journals, Other Terrain and Backstory, getting them ready for their launch on June 17th at Swinburne University, when we will be also hosting the Renaissance themed launch of Rachel Nightingale’s debut fantasy novel, Harlequin’s Riddle. We will have a few readings of pieces accepted for our two journals; we’ll have great food and also wine to toast the launch of our issues three, as well as Rachel’s first novel. If you would like to come along to help us celebrate, you can book your free ticket here:
Next study period, I plan to take on less work because I really want to move forward with the sequel of Falling Pomegranate Seeds: The Duty of Daughters. I leave for Varuna, the Writers’ House at the end of July, and am steadily working toward that deadline. I want to make certain my two week at Varuna brings me home with a completed first draft. If I achieve that, then I believe this work will be ready for my publisher’s eyes by the beginning of next year.
Besides these two journals, marking, tutoring, writing a new novel, family commitments, there are other things adding to my busy writing life. Exciting things, too, all to do with my first two novels. But I will leave talking about that until next time!
Wendy – the exhausted.
I am in love with Wendy’s honesty, her evocative language and the strength of her conviction. This book speaks of the love, commitment and great friendship shared between women who have little power or say in their place in the world. Never have I read about Katherine of Aragon’s childhood or her relationship to her family and duty. This is an untold story that reflects much pain, love and devotion. Please please read it! Alexandrina M Hamilton
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