Keep Creating: Time saving and healthy recipes to get you back to what you really want to do.
Last Friday, I was really, really resenting the fact that I had to stop working on my new novel and start preparing dinner for my family. Like many women, I wear the chef hat in my home. Admittedly, one reason for this is very simple: I enjoy cooking. But not when cooking ends up taking me away from writing. For the sake of my own sanity, I rely on knowing a few fast and healthy recipes to give me any hope of completing my new novel in the not too distant future.
That particular Friday, I breathed a sigh of relief. I had plenty of eggs in the fridge, and everything I needed to make a salad. So I prepared a quick salad, and then scrambled up eggs for my husband and made an omelette for myself. Too easy. But it also made me wonder what other creators cook up when they want to get back to their ‘real work’. I asked the twitter world for other quick meal ideas and someone suggested I should do it as blog. I mulled over that for few days, and wondered if I could invite fellow creators to share their favourite meal saviours and an extract from or image of their creative work, just to show why these fast, home cooked meals are so important. They get us back to doing what we really want to do!
So – here is the first contribution of what I hope to be many. The lovely Lauren Chater, author of the brilliant The Lace Weaver, shares with us one of her fast meals she cooks up for her family when she wants to get back to creating.
Grilled chicken, asparagus and nectarine salad.
Would you like to share your meal saviour and a taste of your work in this series?
Please send a photo of your meal, your recipe and an excerpt or image of your work to wendyjdunn@icloud.com
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