Season’s Greetings.
So – here we are, rushing towards the end of another year, and what a year it has been. 2020 began with terrible, heartbreaking fires in Australia. Then, before I knew it, this awful pandemic made its presence known around the world. So many times, this year felt to me like sailing in a leaky boat in stormy seas.
But – despite its sorrows and stresses – there were true moments of joy. I welcomed the safe arrival of a new grandson in August. I also counted my good fortune that our periods of lockdowns in Melbourne, Australia included the family of my daughter – who lives almost next door. In the first lockdown, my husband and I enacted our version of kindergarten for our now four-year-old grandson so his parents could work at home. The second lockdown was somewhat easier when our grandson returned to his real kindergarten and day-care. But we regarded ourselves blessed that we were still able to care for him one day a week, and also to help our daughter during her final months of pregnancy and after her baby’s birth.
Now – with festive season well upon us – I am counting down the days to the publication of my fourth Tudor novel in the midst of readying for Christmas day with my family.
Surmounting 2020 has also made me decide it is time to reorder my life to its true priorities. I am now looking forward to time away from tutoring in the first half of next year so I can have more time to focus on my own writing projects – and have more time to spend with my two grandsons.
To you and yours, I wish you all joy. Thank you for being part of my writing journey.
I hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe and well.
Christmas at the Tudor Court: an excerpt from The Light in the Labyrinth.
Praise for All Manner of Things.
“Dunn has written such a beautiful portrayal of the extraordinary tale of love and friendship between Katherine of Aragon and her lady in waiting Maria de Salinas…” Endo the road. Five stars. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
You will enjoy the historical accuracy but even more you will experience first-hand the power of friendship, faith and love. The novel is sprinkled with letters, poems, sonnets and songs to help broaden the journey and shed light on the truth but these creative expressions will pull you in to the emotional side of the story where you will cry, smile, wince, sigh. I highly recommend this heart felt, literary epic. Like the ancient bells tolling from the past, this novel will ring through the centuries. Five stars. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Cindy L. Spear.
I have read many historical fiction novels about the Tudors and their world and I have to say this novel is one of the pinnacle Tudor novels that I have ever read. This is the first time that I have read a novel by Wendy Dunn, but now I want to read her other works. If you want a sensational novel centered around the astounding friendship of Maria de Salinas and Katherine of Aragon, “Falling Pomegranate Seeds: All Manner of Things” by Wendy J. Dunn is a must-read for any Tudor nerd. Five stars. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
The Adventures of a Tudor Nerd.
Falling Pomegranate Seeds: All Manner of Things (kindle book) has been discounted to just $2.99 (US) until 31/01/2021. Don’t miss out!
Click on the above image for further information
Don’t forget to save All Manner of Things to your Goodreads ‘To Read’ list here, or follow me on BookBub here.
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