Happy New Year!
The 31st of December has always been a day for me to think back on the year now drawing to a close. I am not too certain if I want to think back upon this year. As day followed day, I compiled a list of ‘S’ words to describe 2020. Surreal, scary, strange, sorrowful, stressful, the list grew and grew with the passing of yet another month of this pandemic year. But 2020 made up for a lot when we welcomed a second grandson into our lives at the beginning of August.
Alas, the passing of time has not seen the end to COVID pain. Living in Melbourne, Victoria, I was starting to feel relaxed again. I hoped our hard weeks of lockdown had handed us a victory against COVID. But we now have cases again in our community. All I can do is keep faith that all our lessons learned in our last two lockdowns will help us contain these new outbreaks.
Of course, in other parts of the world, the situation is far, far more grim than what it is in in Australia. I have kin in England and dear friends USA. The daily news reports about these two countries just adds to my fear for them.
But time to think of positive things. The rollout of the vaccines WILL see this virus pushed back into the box it belongs to. It seems our planet benefited from a year when much of its human population lived quieter and more homebound lives. I wonder if many of the beautiful skies I enjoyed this year has been because our air is far less polluted. I feel very blessed in the knowledge that my family is all well and safe. I have my fourth novel stepping out into the published world on January 15th. I have two books to write in 2021.
I am hoping for a far better 2021 than 2020 for us all.
So – to you and yours, Happy New Year.
Stay safe and well.
Praise for All Manner of Things.
“Dunn has written such a beautiful portrayal of the extraordinary tale of love and friendship between Katherine of Aragon and her lady in waiting Maria de Salinas…” Endo the road. Five stars. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
You will enjoy the historical accuracy but even more you will experience first-hand the power of friendship, faith and love. The novel is sprinkled with letters, poems, sonnets and songs to help broaden the journey and shed light on the truth but these creative expressions will pull you in to the emotional side of the story where you will cry, smile, wince, sigh. I highly recommend this heart felt, literary epic. Like the ancient bells tolling from the past, this novel will ring through the centuries. Five stars. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Cindy L. Spear.
I have read many historical fiction novels about the Tudors and their world and I have to say this novel is one of the pinnacle Tudor novels that I have ever read. This is the first time that I have read a novel by Wendy Dunn, but now I want to read her other works. If you want a sensational novel centered around the astounding friendship of Maria de Salinas and Katherine of Aragon, “Falling Pomegranate Seeds: All Manner of Things” by Wendy J. Dunn is a must-read for any Tudor nerd. Five stars. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Kindle book discounted from $5.99 to just $2.99 (US) until 31/01/2021.Don’t miss out!
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