Exciting News!
Absolutely thrilled today with the news that Falling Pomegranate Seeds: The Duty of Daughters (book one of my Katherine of Aragon story) has been shortlisted in the International Chaucer Award!
Dunn deftly weaves a heartrending story about the bonds between mothers and daughters, sisters and friends. Each character is beautifully crafted with a compassionate touch to draw the reader into every raw emotion from triumph to tragedy ~ Adrienne Dillard
…magnificent, riveting reading ~ Viviane Crystal, Crystal Book Reviews.
This is a captivating read, written with heart, significance and sensibility. Dunn is a careful writer. She doesn’t exploit her characters; rather, she explores them and brings us along for the journey. This is a novel researched with integrity, and Dunn reaches out and lands beautifully in the winner’s circle ~Wendy Zollo, Historical Novels Review.
Read entire review here.
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