The Duty of Daughters on SALE until the end of August.

Writing for publication is not an easy road to walk.

In the close to nineteen years since the release of my first novel to now, there have been setbacks. Really too many to count. There have also been terrible, dark days when I questioned why I continue walking this road. But the years have taught me the best thing to do on those days is to pick myself up, dust myself off and keep on moving forward again. And I do move forward. Sometimes, I am amazed how far how I have come. I look down at the view of those years behind me and feel proud I never gave up.

One thing that helped me keep going is knowing my novels have found the readers who enjoy them. I feel like dancing around my home when I receive emails from readers telling me how much they love my books, and, of course, I treasure the good and more than good reviews. Another thing keeping me going are those moments when my writing has gained awards or done well in competitions. I hold on to all these things – affirmation from readers and affirmation from my peers – when completing a new work feels like climbing to reach a mountain top.

At the moment, I am writing two works – one I hope will step out into the world as my fifth novel, and the other my first full length biography of a little known Tudor (of course) woman. So, I have two mountains to climb and conquer.

This year, I really needed the motivation knowing that The Duty of Daughters reached the finals in 2020 Chaucer award!

And I’m still celebrating that achievement. I thought I’d share this celebration by putting The Duty of Daughters on sale until the end of August.

So, if you haven’t read this work yet, you can now buy the kindle at amazon for only 0.99¢.

P.S. You can also arrange a personalised paperback or hardback by visiting Poesy Quill Publishing. 

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