All Manner of Things gains an IndieBRAG medallion!

Absolutely delighted to share this news. 

Back in April, I submitted All Manner of Things into a few awards. To my immense delight, my new Tudor novel has done well in most of them. It is currently in the long list for this year’s Chaucer’s Award, received a five star award from HFC Editorial Review, gained Readers’ Favorite’s silver Medal in its historical personage category and now I’m celebrating the news that All Manner of Things adds an IndieBRAG medallion to its award list.

IndieBRAG recognises talented, self-published authors. It is an extremely respected award in the self published World. One judge wrote this about All Manner of Things:

This is definitely a 5/5 book. I am a Historical Fiction fan and this one ticked all the boxes. I am also a Tudor fan and have read many books about this era, but the thing that stands out about this book is the different perspective by Maria (Lady-in-Waiting for Catherine of Aragon) It was like a glimpse of Catherine and Arthur/Henry from a different view. Loved it. Entertaining, exciting and heartfelt.

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