Good Reads
About Me
Dear Heart, How Like You This?
Prologue of Dear Heart, How Like You This?
An Interview with Sir Thomas Wyatt, the Elder
The Light in the Labyrinth
Family trees for The Light in the Labyrinth.
The Light in the Labyrinth journeys around the world!
Treasured Reviews of The Light in the Labyrinth
Articles and interviews inspired through writing The Light in the Labyrinth
Christmas at the Tudor Court: an excerpt from The Light in the Labyrinth.
Momentous Events in History: a day in the life of Anne Boleyn.
Falling Pomegranate Seeds (The Duty of Daughters, #1)
Excerpt from The Duty of Daughters.
Treasured reviews of Falling Pomegranate Seeds
Sarah Giles reviews Falling Pomegranate Seeds
Review of Falling Pomegranate Seeds by Helen Barnes Bulley
Writing Falling Pomegranate Seeds: The Duty of Daughters
Subscribe to my blog to enter my Christmas Give-Away!
Katherine of Aragon
Katherine of Aragon – the Beloved Queen.
Falling Pomegranate Seeds (All Manner of Things, #2)
Book Reviews
The Godmother’s Secret
Books, books and more books…
The Keeper of the Queen’s Jewels.
Review of Cor Rotto, a novel by Adrienne Dillard
No Small Shame
The Raven’s Widow by Adrienne Dillard
Gulliver’s Wife
Something Missing by Glenice Whitting
The Mascherari: A novel of Venice by Laura Rahme
The Rose of York: Love and War by Sandra Worth
The Lady of Roses by Sandra Worth
The Orange Grove
The Tudor Secret
The Last Queen
Voices of Morebath
Book review: A Vanished World: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Medieval Spain.
Book Review: The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn
Book Review: Isabel La Católica, Queen of Castile.
Australian Women Writers Challenge
Articles and Fictions
Anne Boleyn
The Birth of Elizabeth
May 19th, 1536
An Interview with Sir Thomas Wyatt, the Elder
Anne Boleyn in the Tower by Edouard Cibot
The Age of Anne Boleyn – Wendy J. Dunn
Tudor Articles
Dawning of the Tudor Sunne – By Wendy J. Dunn
Mary I
Ode to Elizabeth.
Lady Jane Grey by Elizabeth M. Batt
Being Privy to Tudor Privies by Wendy J. Dunn
Henry VII
Did this once belong to Katherine of Aragon?
An audience with Elizabeth I, 8 December 1597
Tudor Fiction
St Agnes Day by Wendy J. Dunn
The Visit – 2016 Australia Day Book Giveaway Blog Hop!
The Boy and his Princess
Fire of a Comet’s Tail
To Be a Queen
Wendy Writes
A treasure trove of historical fiction starters.
Cyber Writer: A Cautionary Tale.
Future directions: Creative Writing as a Life Tool.
Writing the Rainbow – My Musing about Why I Write.
Thinking about life.
Just Write: Responding to my first prompt.
More Thoughts about Writing.
Is Poetry Dead? by Wendy J. Dunn
The Young Adult Novel
Works used for Falling Pomegranate Seeds.
Writing Published at Other Sites.
Author Interviews
Interview with Adrienne Dillard.
Interview with Claire Ridgway – writer extraordinaire.
Interview with Anne Easter Smith
Interview with Brian Wainwright
Interview with C.W.Gortner
Interview with Elizabeth Chadwick
Interview with Paula Lofting
Interview with Sandra Gulland
Interview with Sandra Worth
Published Poems
Keep Creating: Time saving and healthy recipes to get you back to what you really want to do.
Lauren Chater Keeps Creating: Time saving and healthy recipes to get you back to what you really want to do.
Helen Hollick keeps creating: Time saving and healthy recipes to get you back to what you really want to do.
Glenice Whitting Keeps Creating: Time saving and healthy recipes to get you back to what you really want to do.
Recommended Websites and books!
My collection of favourite recipes.
Loretta Goldberg’s fish sauce: turn a boring fish into something interesting.
Christmas pudding (Win’s recipe).
News and Events.
Women’s History Month – 2018
Women’s History Month 2017
I was on the Brad and Kiara Book Stop!
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Writing Opportunities and Resources.
A resource list for the Indie author.
Sir Thomas Wyatt