Sharing my delight about the first reviews of ‘Fallling Pomegranate Seeds: All Manner of Things’!
I’m absolutely thrilled this morning. The Tudor Tracker (aka Catherine Brooks) posted a wonderful vlog review of ‘Fallling Pomegranate Seeds: All…

Did this once belong to Katherine of Aragon?
I received an intriguing email this week. John Roberts, of Victoria, British Columbia, wanted to tell me about something he had…

Give a Christmas gift to give a Christmas gift.
Crikey. October is almost over, and Christmas is just around the corner. I’ve decided I would like to do something…

Interview with Claire Ridgway – writer extraordinaire.
I’m delighted to welcome the wonderful Claire Ridgway to my website in this interview. Claire is the author of many non-fiction history…

The Winds of Change
I am caught in the winds of change at the moment. The American partner of Metropolis Ink has decided to…

Falling Pomegranate Seeds – A Masterpiece.
I am feeling very humble – and blessed. Falling Pomegranate Seeds: The Duty of Daughters (the first novel in my…

Falling Pomegranate Seeds is a Discovered Diamond.
It is always nerve-racking waiting to hear back from book reviewers. My publisher, Madeglobal, recently sent Falling Pomegranate Seeds: The…

Laura Rahme reviews Falling Pomegranate Seeds: The Duty of Daughters.
I sincerely thank fellow author Laura Rahme for this wonderful review of Falling Pomegranate Seeds: The Duty of Daughters. …

Thank you for your support!
I just want to wish everyone a wonderful New Year and thank you for subscribing to my website. I also…

My end of year reflection.
I am now resting on my mountain climb of 2016, gazing down at the view. After the publication of Falling…